Human Creation: The Dust-And-Rib Scenario

Adam and Eve are the names that we can use as an overall generality for the first humans, the first Homo sapiens, a species which had to come from somewhere. Biologists of course will argue the case for natural selection; evolution from older ancestral primates, especially the chimpanzee. New Agers might opt for an artificial selection or genetic engineering explanation on the part of flesh-and-blood ‘ancient astronauts’ under the clever disguise as deities, or perhaps incorrectly interpreted as deities by primitive man, but still an evolution from older primate ancestral stock. Then there’s a variation on that New Age theme that someone or something created a simulated universe via a computer program that ultimately created us as virtual beings. Finally, there are the creationists – God did it on the sixth day according to the Book of Genesis and no correspondence will be entertained on the matter. The Bible is literally God’s final word on life, the Universe and everything, including how we came to be.

If there were no other viable explanation for our existence apart from God creating mankind, that’s one thing, and there probably wasn’t any alternatives back in Bible times, so the Book of Genesis is understandable from that perspective or point of view, even if wrong. Alternative theories do abound now, with Darwinian evolution by natural selection the clear and preferred leader. One could almost say that evolutionists are really using the brains that God gave them to actually think with – one could almost say that except that implies a total contradiction in logic.

According to the Book of Genesis, Chapter One and Chapter Two, God created mankind, or at least one male (Adam) and one female (Eve) – Adam and Eve actually created the rest of humanity, well at least three sons worth of humanity. Humanity should have then gone extinct since no other women were apparently created to serve as possible mates, yet they (well one anyway for Abel) appear as if by magic. But back to Adam and Eve: were they really created by a supernatural deity, or perhaps genetically engineered by flesh-and-blood ancient astronauts or did they evolve naturally from more primitive ancestors? What do you think? I think we can eliminate God from Creation’s Big Picture.

Here are the relevant quotes:

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Later on down the track we get more details.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

Genesis 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

That’s God’s story and no doubt He’s sticking to it!

We can debate the Darwinian and the New Age concepts as viable alternative scenarios some other time, but first creationism as related above has to be dumped into the rubbish bin and incinerated and thus eliminated from all logical consideration as a viable rival scenario.

Reason numero one states the obvious that there is no supernatural God or Allah or Jehovah or any other supernatural deity. If there was overwhelming evidence for such a supernatural deity then there would be no atheists. You don’t find people who deny the existence of gravity since there is so much evidence for it, yet you can’t see it or hear it or taste it or smell it or touch it. There are no gravity atheists. Evidence is everything – faith counts for nothing in any court of law, science or logic.

Reason numero two is that the dust-and-rib (and variations thereof) scenario is absolutely ridiculous to even the most biologically ignorant, which is probably why it’s not taught in Biology 101. And how could a male rib shape-shift into a fully developed adult female (blonde, brunette, redhead?), minus navel no doubt, but ready equipped with intelligence, vocalization and language? A male rib in any event would contain male genetic information for maleness, but you couldn’t have expected the author(s) of this imaginary (bordering on sci-fi) Genesis tale to have known that. As to Adam’s creation from dust, perhaps all those bored housewives who are dissatisfied with their hubbies might want to save up all that household dust that they deal with daily with the intention of creating some sort of youthful stud rival for hubby’s affections and bedroom favours. I mean if a mere male deity can create a man from dust, imagine what a human female can accomplish with that same ingredient!

Reason numero three is that if God created Eve directly from Adam’s rib, then Adam and Eve are more closely related than any brother-sister pair ever were, and therefore when they did God’s ‘be fruitful and multiply’ thing, well that was incest! And God, by design, promoted that. Wow! Now what God should have done was take a pile of dust from the planet Mars and create Adam; take another pile of dust from the planet Venus and create Eve, and that way you’d really have men are from Mars and women are from Venus and no incest need be entered into (as it were). Further, humans would have had an extraterrestrial heritage and therefore been separate and apart from the rest of the terrestrial animal kingdom (see the following paragraph for that nitty-gritty).

Reason numero four is that if God et al. really wanted to make humans a unique creation, really separate and apart from all else, He would not have moulded us with the same basic body plan and biochemistry as the rest of the animal kingdom. We might have been created with a silicon-based biochemistry and we certainly wouldn’t share any DNA with anything else like chimpanzees, since that just confuses the creation picture. God was not thinking logically, just begging for a Darwin and genetics to come along and give Him a black eye.

Reason numero five is that a perfect God wouldn’t have created so many design flaws or imperfections in the alleged pinnacle of His creationist endeavours, the human species, what with their easily breakable bones, a way too narrow birth canal, bad backs, poor eyesight, and impacted wisdom teeth, as well as those non-functional body parts like an appendix, earlobes and toenails. One does not tend to manufacture something with faulty and non-essential parts. God might have created us a tad more resistant to arthritis, the common cold, as well as a seeming zillion other common afflictions from infections to cavities to the measles to numerous cancers. Then too there are all those nasty God-created personality flaws part and parcel of the human being we’d be better off without. If God created us, God created the automotive equivalent of the Edsel.

Reason numero six suggests a further anomaly that proves just about beyond any doubt that Genesis is the literary work of man and not of God; we note the endless repetition of “And God said.” My question: prior to Adam, just who was around back then to copy down anything that God said? And if the answer to that is “nobody”, then presumably God is just talking to Himself! Or, more likely as not, the entirety of the Book of Genesis, creation and all, is just an early example of what would later become first known as mythology and even later on down the track as science fiction or science fantasy.

Reason numero seven is that remains of Homo sapiens have been dated via various accepted and verified scientific methods to way before any possible Biblical date that’s accepted by creationists. Human remains can be dated to way in excess of an order of magnitude (a factor of ten times) in fact, in fact closer numerically to two orders of magnitude (a factor of one hundred times) vis-à-vis what a literal Bible demands.

Reason numero eight is that if God wanted His Chosen People (starting with Adam and Eve) to occupy what’s today the Land of Israel and surrounds, why create them in mankind’s Cradle of Africa? Africa is apparently mankind’s point-of-origin home turf on the grounds that hominid fossils have been uncovered there while nobody has yet conclusively pinpointed and proved the geographical location of the Garden of Eden, far less found human remains close by.

Reason numero nine asks why a Chosen People at all? If God created Adam and Eve, then they were His Chosen People and then all of their descendents would be God’s Chosen People, not just a select few further on down the line. It’s akin to parents singling out one child of many for special love and attention – it’s not the done thing.

Now another question arises, why would God want to create humans in the first place? The Almighty already had a nice garden for His R&R and a petting zoo created for His pleasure and what with His staff of angels, etc. He surely didn’t need any additional intellectual company – did God create Adam to play a game of chess with? Well the obvious reason is that God wanted someone, actually many some ones, was to lick His boots and kiss His posterior which presumably the fish and birds and beasts refused to do (and who said animals were dumb). Well, if that’s why God created us, beings to worship Him, then it’s high time to cease kissing His posterior but to kick it instead, hard, and often!

In summary, if you want to come to terms with where you came from, as a s

The Law of Attraction Between Men and Women

Have you ever had an instinctive “knowing” that your relationship is more than simply a connection with another person? That there is a purpose in that connection? That it’s a natural channel for attracting what you want in life, whatever that means for you – being cherished, good health, a successful business, healthy finances? I know this is true and have experienced, it so I want to tell you about it.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the blockbuster documentary “The Secret” which explained how to make the Law of Attraction work in your life. In a nutshell, the teachers in that film say the process involves:

1) Knowing what you want (being in touch with desire);
2) Asking for it;
3) Being grateful before you get it (“An attitude of gratitude.”);
4) Staying out of the “how” of it (i.e., how it will show up);
5) Being willing to receive it.

A Personal Story

What happens, however, when you boost this natural creative energy by supplementing it with the emotional bond that exists between men and women in relationship? I believe it creates a sort of a “super-charged” connection with the Universe, like an amplifier boosting the power of an electrical signal. It boosts a couple’s natural ability to pull what they want into their lives.

Sound a little hokey? Let’s bring it down to earth. For the last year or so I have endured a chronic and annoying health issue. About a month ago I was upset and frustrated that the problem wasn’t getting better and that all the medical avenues for dealing with it seemed exhausted. I also felt strongly about using an alternative treatment, like homeopathy, rather pharmaceuticals.

How does this fit into the Law of Attraction steps listed above? First, my desire was clear – to get rid of the problem naturally as soon as possible. Next, my frustration was my “request” for help from my partner, Jason. In that moment, according to Jason, he resolved that we would find a solution. For him that meant creating additional revenue through our business to easily cover the cost of whatever form of treatment I wanted. He didn’t know how this would happen, but he was committed to it.

The combination of my clear desire and Jason’s focused commitment and willingness to act was powerful. That same day, I found online a simple natural remedy that has had promising results. Over the next few days two businesses contacted us for possible partnerships. Those contacts sparked a vision for a new venture we will be launching later in 2010. We also got clear on a new product we will be offering in coming months. We weren’t specifically working towards any of these, but Jason was focused and committed to a result…any result…in alignment with my desire. Powerful stuff!

What’s important here is that it wasn’t just Jason’s focus or just my desire that produced results. It was the combination of his focus in alignment with my desire that was critical. The moment his energy aligned with mine the Universe started to respond.

Science Says the Gender Effect is Real and Measurable

Research from Princeton University’s Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR Lab) shows our experience is more than just wishful thinking or coincidence. In numerous experiments between 1979 and 2007 PEAR researchers Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne discovered when “bonded” couples (i.e., couples in relationship) tried to influence the output of an electronic random number generator using only their thoughts, their joint effort yielded average effects more than twice those of “unbonded” pairs and nearly six times greater than when men and women intended separately.

According to one analyst, “Jahn and Dunne suggested that emotional closeness might create resonance between individuals, and result in stronger influence, just as two waves that are in phase or sync amplify a signal.”

Emotional Closeness + Resonance = Creative Power

If that quote seems like a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo, you missed it. Failing to get the point of this quote is why relationships so often occur to people as unsatisfying, shallow, without purpose and frustrating…and why so many relationships fail. Read it again, and look for the deeper cut.

Did you see it this time? Emotional closeness creates resonance which results in stronger influence. Emotional intimacy is just the first step. Resonance, or vibrational harmony with your partner follows. The result is an amplified connection to the Universe that gives you stronger influence for creating what you want for your life.

For most people, however, creating emotional intimacy is all there is in relationship. It’s not just the first step, but the only step. It’s what they think “relationship” is for. It’s great in the beginning when new love makes life sparkle and crackle. This energy is powerful. A friend of ours, for example, told us about a colleague who took their company by storm, becoming the number one sales rep almost immediately after being hired. He was also newly married. Coincidence?

What happens, however, when the early passion fades? Within a year or so this sales rep’s numbers fell off dramatically. Later it was discovered that this decline in production coincided with a very rough time in his relationship, one that threatened the marriage. The light of love was dimming and there was nothing new to keep it burning. As a result, other areas of life suffered too. That’s exactly why Jason and I do what we do. We want to help couples stay in sync so they can re-ignite that emotional spark almost at will and maintain the resonance that produces amazing lives.

The Law of Attraction Between Men and Women

But how does the Law of Attraction work between men and women? Why did couples that participated in the PEAR experiments produce a stronger influence than men and women who were not in relationship or than men and women separately?

The emotional intimacy of couples mentioned above is key. Feelings are powerful.

Jason and I believe more is going on. In a nutshell, here it is. Men and women are different. Women are desire. Men are about production. When men and women act according to who they are naturally – i.e., women are clear on their desire and men are committed to focused action – they are in alignment with the Universe’s intent. This is powerful stuff.

So we could modify the above process for how the Law of Attraction works, to explain how it operates between men and women like this:

1) Women become clear about what they want (their desire);
2) They ask their partner for it in some way (verbally; through their frustration; through their excitement; etc.)
3) They are grateful before they get it. (A show of trust in their partner);
4) They don’t worry about how it will show up. They don’t let the “how” interfere with their experience;
5) Men commit to focused action to get her what she wants (commitment and action are a form of “willingness to receive”).

Implicit in this article is that using the Law of Attraction for relationships isn’t just about attracting a great relationship. It’s deeper and broader than that. It’s about working with your partner to create the life you want. It’s about an energy that exists between You, your Partner and the Universe and how to maximize it.

A lot of you reading this article will instinctively know the Law of Attraction between men and women is real. We hope you will practice it and watch your relationship and life sparkle and crackle again. Creating “emotional closeness” is the first step (and the most fun one!).

In our “Divine Dance of the Sexes” Couples Weekend Workshop, we equip you with principles of natural relating that will not only transform your relationship, but will imbue it with purpose, power and passion. It all starts by appreciating him and cherishing her.

We invite you to download our free eBook, “A Couples Map to Everyday Happi